\version "2.24.1" % automatically converted by musicxml2ly from jesus.musicxml \pointAndClickOff \header { title = "Jesus, remember me" copyright = "© Ateliers et Presses de Taizé, 71250 Taizé, France." composer = "Cté de Taizé" encodingsoftware = "MuseScore 4.0.2" encodingdate = "2024-11-12" source = "http://musescore.com/user/41985138/scores/15145531" } \layout { \context { \Score autoBeaming = ##f } } jesusPartPOneVoiceOne = \relative g' { \repeat volta 2 { \clef "treble" \time 3/4 \key es \major | % 1 \tempo 4=69 \stemUp g4 \stemUp g4 \oneVoice r8 \stemUp 8 | % 2 \stemUp 8 [ \stemUp 8 ] \stemUp 4 \oneVoice r4 | % 3 \stemUp 8 [ \stemUp 8 ] \stemUp 8 [ \stemUp 8 ] \stemUp 8 [ \stemUp 8 ] | % 4 \stemUp 8 ( [ \stemUp 8 ) ] \stemUp g2 | % 5 \stemUp es4 \stemUp es4 \oneVoice r8 \stemUp 8 | % 6 \stemUp 8 [ \stemUp 8 ] \stemUp f4 \oneVoice r4 | % 7 \stemUp 8 [ \stemUp 8 ] \stemUp 8 [ \stemUp 8 ] \stemUp 8 [ \stemUp 8 ] | % 8 \stemUp es4 \stemUp es2 } } jesusPartPOneVoiceOneChords = \chordmode { \repeat volta 2 { | % 1 es4:5 s4 s8 s8 | % 2 s8 s8 f4:m7 s4 | % 3 bes8:5 s8 s8 s8 s8 s8 | % 4 es8:5 s8 s2 | % 5 c4:m5 s4 s8 s8 | % 6 f8:m5 s8 s4 s4 | % 7 bes8:5 s8 s8 s8 s8 s8 | % 8 es4:5 s2 } } jesusPartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne = \lyricmode {\set ignoreMelismata = ##t Je -- "sus," re -- mem -- ber me when you come in -- to your king -- _ "dom." Je -- "sus." re -- mem -- ber me when you come in -- to your king -- "dom." } jesusPartPOneVoiceTwo = \relative es' { \repeat volta 2 { \clef "treble" \time 3/4 \key es \major | % 1 \stemUp es4 \stemUp es4 s8 s8*5 s4 s1 \stemUp es2 | % 5 \stemUp c4 \stemUp c4 s8 s4. \stemUp c4 s4 s2. | % 8 \stemUp bes4 \stemUp bes2 } } jesusPartPTwoVoiceOne = \relative bes { \repeat volta 2 { \clef "bass" \time 3/4 \key es \major | % 1 \stemDown bes4 \stemDown bes4 \oneVoice r8 \stemDown 8 | % 2 \stemDown 8 [ \stemDown 8 ] \stemDown 4 \oneVoice r4 | % 3 \stemDown 8 [ \stemDown 8 ] \stemDown 8 [ \stemDown 8 ] \stemDown 8 [ \stemDown 8 ] | % 4 \stemDown bes'4 \stemDown bes2 | % 5 \stemDown g4 \stemDown g4 \oneVoice r8 \stemDown 8 | % 6 \stemDown 8 [ \stemDown 8 ] \stemDown as'4 \oneVoice r4 | % 7 \stemDown 8 [ \stemDown 8 ] \stemDown 8 [ \stemDown 8 ] \stemDown 8 [ \stemDown 8 ] | % 8 \stemUp g'8 ( [ \stemUp f8 ) ] \stemDown g2 } } jesusPartPTwoVoiceTwo = \relative es { \repeat volta 2 { \clef "bass" \time 3/4 \key es \major | % 1 \stemDown es4 \stemDown es4 s8 s8*5 s4 s2. | % 4 \stemDown es4 \stemDown es2 | % 5 \stemDown c4 \stemDown c4 s8 s4. \stemDown as4 s4 s2. | % 8 \stemDown es'4 \stemDown es2 } } % The score definition \score { << \new StaffGroup << \context ChordNames = "jesusPartPOneVoiceOneChords" { \jesusPartPOneVoiceOneChords} \new Staff << \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \center-column { \line {"S"} \line {"A"} } } \context Staff << \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \context Voice = "jesusPartPOneVoiceOne" { \voiceOne \jesusPartPOneVoiceOne } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "jesusPartPOneVoiceOne" { \set stanza = "1." \jesusPartPOneVoiceOneLyricsOne } \context Voice = "jesusPartPOneVoiceTwo" { \voiceTwo \jesusPartPOneVoiceTwo } >> >> \new Staff << \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \center-column { \line {"T"} \line {"B"} } } \context Staff << \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn \context Voice = "jesusPartPTwoVoiceOne" { \voiceOne \jesusPartPTwoVoiceOne } \context Voice = "jesusPartPTwoVoiceTwo" { \voiceTwo \jesusPartPTwoVoiceTwo } >> >> >> >> \layout {} % To create MIDI output, uncomment the following line: % \midi {\tempo 4 = 69 } }