is big news. Besides that, this month, I spent a bigger part of my time to get r-b-patches into our SLFO project that will be the basis for SLE-16 and Leap-16. There are only ~10 issues left. The harder ones are with emacs and PGO. And maybe rpm. Meanwhile, the automatic rb-checker for Factory submissions does help to fix some issues before they even enter Factory. It helps to reduce regressions. I temporarily paused the verification builds because Factory was lacking a new rpm-macro for rpm-4.20 causing extra variations in mtime. It will be back soon - after the next big rebuild. I'm also happy to see that this month, at least 4 other people (plus upstream devs) contributed patches for reproducibility issues in openSUSE. If we can keep that level, we should reach 100% before my previous estimate of year 2030.