\version "2.6.0" #(set-default-paper-size "a4" 'landscape) \header { title = "Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich" mutopiatitle = "Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich" mutopiacomposer = "Anonymous (falsely ascribed to J. S. Bach)" mutopiainstrument = "Organ" date = "18th C." source = "audio transcription" style = "Baroque" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "Kilian A. Foth" lastupdated = "2005/May/10" footer = "Mutopia-2005/08/07-579" tagline = \markup { \override #'(box-padding . 1.0) \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.7) \box \center-align { \small \line { Sheet music from \with-url #"http://www.MutopiaProject.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 MutopiaProject \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org \hspace #0.5 } • \hspace #0.5 \italic Free to download, with the \italic freedom to distribute, modify and perform. } \line { \small \line { Typeset using \with-url #"http://www.LilyPond.org" \line { \teeny www. \hspace #-1.0 LilyPond \hspace #-1.0 \teeny .org } by \maintainer \hspace #-1.0 . \hspace #0.5 Reference: \footer } } \line { \teeny \line { This sheet music has been placed in the public domain by the typesetter, for details see: \hspace #-0.5 \with-url #"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain } } } } } % Sopran S = \relative c'' { \partial 8 g8| d'b d32c b c d8g d| d b c d f d| e c e d a'c,| b a b b g'16fis g b,| c8a b c fis16 e fis8| g16fis e fis e d cis b cis d b cis| d4.(d16)e d b c a| b8e,e'(e16)fis e cis d b| gis8 d'4(d16) f e d c b| c4.(c16)e d c b a| fis'8g a(a16)d,e fis g8(| g16)fis e fis g e fis4.\trill| g8b16g a fis g4.(| g16)a g fis g e fis g a g a fis| g4.(g16)e fis g a fis| d f e d c b a8 e'a(| a16)g fis e d c b e d c b a| g a b g c a d8 g d| d16 c b g c a d e f e f d| e4. r| r8d16 fis e g fis g a fis g e| fis e d fis e g fis8b16a b fis| g8 e r r4.| r8cis16e d fis e8 a16 g a e| fis8 d r r4.| r8 b c d4.\trill(| d16)b c e a8(a)gis b(| b)e,a(a)g16fis g8(| g)cis,fis(fis)e16d e8(| e16)cis d e fis g a4.(| a8)g4\trill(g16)e fis d a'd,| \times 2/3 {b'16[a g]} fis8 e16\trill d d4 d,8| a'fis a32g fis g a8d a| a fis g a c a| b g b a e'g,| fis d r r16 d'e fis g a| b4.(b16)fis e d cis b| cis b cis d e fis g fis g b a g| fis e fis a g fis e d e g fis e| d c d fis e d c b c e d c| b d c b a g e'4.(| e16)e d c b a fis'4.(| fis16) fis e d c b g'4.(| g16) g fis e d c a'4.(| a16) g fis e d c b8g'16fis g8(| g16)a g8\trill fis16g g[d b g] d8| g16 a b d c e d e f e f d| e4. r8 cis8a'(| a8)d,16fis e g fis g a g a fis| g8 e r r4 b'8(| b16)gis a gis a e f e f a f e| dis4. d16c d f e d| c8c d e a e| e c d e a16g a e| f8 d f e b' d,| c16b c e d f e8 a gis| a4.(a16) c b a gis fis| gis4b8a16c b a gis b| a8 a cis,d16cis d fis e g| fis8 d r r4fis8(| fis)b dis,e16dis e g fis a| g8e r r4.| r4. r16 d fis g a d,| b'g e g e d cis4 e8(| e16)g fis e d cis d e d c b a| b8 g'16fis g b,b8[a] \times 2/3 {a16 b c}| c8\trill[b]\times 2/3{d16 e f} f8 \times 2/3{e16[d c]} \times 2/3{b[a g]}| fis'8 g r16 c, b8c a| g b16g c a d b e c f d| e d e c'e,c d c d b'd,b| c16b c a'c,a b4g8| d'b d32c b c d8g d| d b d32c b c d16e f e f d| e8 c e fis a c,| b16 g a fis g8r g'16fis g b,| a8fis16a g b a8d a| a fis16a g b a8 d c| b16 a b cis d cis d e fis d e fis| g4.(g16)a g fis e d| cis4.(cis16)d e g fis e| d cis d fis e g fis8 b16 a b fis| g a g fis g8(g16)e a g fis e| fis e fis d e fis g4.(| g16)a g fis g e fis4.| g8b,16d c e d8g d| d b16d c e d e f d f d| e8c e fis a c,| c(b4) r4\bar"|." } % Alt A = \relative c' { \partial 8 r8| R2.*2| r4.r4d8| g fis g g b g| a fis g a c a| b g b a e'g,| fis16g fis e fis d e8a,a'(| a16)b a fis g e fis8b,b'(| b16)c b a gis fis e8b'e(| e16)d c b a gis a4.(| a16)e'd c b a b a g a b cis| d8c16b c8(c16)b a b c a| b g d' b c a b c b a b g| a4.(a16)b c e d c| b a b d cis e a,8 a d,| g4.(g16)b a g fis e| fis4.\trill g16c b a g fis| g8g16d a'd,b'8d b| b16a g b a c b c d c d b| c8e,16c f d g8c16b c g| a4.(a8)d cis| d fis,r r4.| r8g16b a c b8e16d e b| cis8a r r4.| r8fis16a g b a8 d16c d a| b8 g a b4.\trill(| b8)a16gis a c b c d f e d| c b c e d c b a b d c b| a g a cis b a g fis g b a g| fis8d r r16a' d c d a| b fis'e d e cis d4.( d16)e d8cis16d d4fis8| fis d fis32e d e fis4.(| fis8)d e fis a d,| d b e16d cis b cis d b cis| d cis d e fis g a4.(| a8)g16fis e dis e8b e(| e16) fis e d cis d e4.(| e8)a,d(d)c16b c8(| c)fis,b(b)a16g a8(| a)d,g(g16)b a g fis e| c'4.(c16)e d c b a| d4.(d16)fis e d c b| e4.(e16)g fis e d cis| fis e d c b a g8c d| \times 2/3{e16[d c]}b8\trill a16g g4r8| R2.| r8c16e d fis e fis g fis g e| fis4. r8dis,b'(| b8)g16b a c b c d c d b| c8c16b c8(c4.)(| c16) a g fis b8(b)gis e| e a4(a16)b c d c b| c8 a r r4a8| a d16 c b a gis fis gis a fis gis| a4.(a16)b c e d f| e8d16c b a b4.(| b16)f' e d e b c e d c b d| c8cis e a,4a8| a fis' a, b16 a b d cis e| d8 dis fis b,8 g b| b e b cis16 b cis e d fis| e8a16 g a e fis8 a,d(| d)b e(e16)b a g a e| fis b a g fis e fis8 a d(| d)b16 a b g g8fis \times 2/3{fis16[g a]}| a8\trill [g] \times 2/3{b16[c d]}d8 \times 2/3{c16[b a]}\times 2/3{g[fis e]}| d4r16g g8a fis| g g16 b a c b g c a d b| c b c e c a b a b d b g| a g a c a fis g4r8| b g16 d a'd,b'a b g c a| b8 g16 d a'd,b'c d c d b| c d e d c b a g fis g a fis| g b c a b8r b16a b g| fis8d16fis e g fis g fis d e fis| fis8d16fis e g fis g fis d e fis| g4.fis16 g a fis g a| d,8d'16c d b e,8 fis g(| g16)a g fis e d e8a16b cis8| fis,b4a8fis fis'(| fis)e16d e8 a,4.(| a8)d c b16 c b a b g| a4.(a16)e'd c d a| b8g16b a c b a b c b a| b8g16b a c b c d c d b| c d e d c b a g fis g a fis| fis8(g4)r4 } % Baß B = \relative c' { r8| g4.fis| g b,| c fis,| g g'| fis d| g a| d,a| e b'| e gis,| a8a'e c a c| d e fis g fis e| d4.d,| g r4g8| d'd,d'd4d8|e4.d4c8| b4.c4.| d4b8 e c d| g,4.g| g'g8g,g'| c,c d e a e| fis4 cis8d fis a| d,4cis8dis b dis| e4fis8g e g| a a,b cis a cis| d4e8 fis d fis| g4.r8e gis| a a,c e4gis8| a4fis8g4e8| fis4d8b4cis8| d4e8fis d fis| g e a b4fis8| g a a,d4.| d,d'| d,d'4fis8| g4.a| b8 a g fis e d| g4.gis| a8 a e cis a cis| d4b8g4a8| b4g8e4fis8| g a b c d e| a,b c d e fis| b,c d e fis g| c,d e fis g a| d,e fis g e b| c d d,g4r8| r8g a b g b| c a b cis a cis| d b cis dis b dis| e e fis gis e gis| a a,a'a a,a'| a a,a'gis e gis| a a,b c a r| r a b c a c| d4.(d8)c b| a a b c a c| c a c d dis b| e4gis8a d,e| a,a'g fis4cis8| d4fis8g4ais,8| b4a8g4dis'8| e4g8a4b8| cis a cis d4fis,8| g4gis8a a,cis| d g, a d,d16e fis8| g4g8d'4d8| g,4g'8c,4cis8| d e r16e d8c d| g g,d'g,4.| g g| g g| R2.| R| R| r4.g| d'd| d d| e d4c8| b4.r| r a| b4cis8d4.| d cis| d2.(| d)| g,(| g)(| g)(| g4.)r4 } \score { << \time 6/8 \new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \key g\major \S } \new Staff { \key g\major \A } >> \new Staff { \key g\major \clef bass \B } >> \layout { } \midi { \tempo 8 = 136 } }