The patch checks if the file is smaller than the smallest
video frame size, and if it's smaller, there can't be a
valid video file in it, hence, the file is truncated
and there is nothing to play in it.

for further information.

--- libdv/playdv/playdv.c	2006/03/21 11:12:19	1.1
+++ libdv/playdv/playdv.c	2006/03/21 11:33:05
@@ -344,6 +344,11 @@
   if (!dv_player->no_mmap) {
 	  if(fstat(fd, &dv_player->statbuf)) goto fstatfail;
 	  eof = dv_player->statbuf.st_size;
+	  if (eof < sizeof(dv_header_t) + 120000) { /* 1st frame incomplete */
+		fprintf(stderr, "playdv: File size of %d bytes "
+			"smaller than frame size, nothing to play!\n", eof);
+		exit(-1);
+	  }
   dv_player->decoder->quality = dv_player->decoder->video->quality;